new book on butterflies of Oregon
warrena at
warrena at
Sun Feb 6 22:18:10 EST 2005
By Andrew D. Warren
405 pages, 2 maps, soft-cover, perfect-bound. This new monograph, published as
part of the Contributions of the C.P. Gillette Museum of Arthropod Diversity,
Colorado State University, provides detailed accounts for all 171 species of
Oregons naturally occurring butterflies. Patterns of geographic and
ecological variation are discussed in detail for each species. The
distribution of each species is listed by county and discussed. Several new
taxonomic combinations are proposed, and three apparently undescribed butterfly
species are identified. All names proposed in Systematics of Western North
American Butterflies (Edited by Tom Emmel, 1998) that potentially apply to
Oregons butterfly species are discussed and evaluated. Over 550 species-level
names, including trinomials, are mentioned, together with authorship and type
locality information. Eighteen species that are considered to be likely
candidates for future addition to the state list are summarized. Especially
detailed taxonomic and biological discussions are provided for the Colias
occidentalis-alexandra group (5 1/2 pages), green Callophrys species (11
pages), the Callophrys gryneus group (over 8 pages), Euphilotes (15 1/2 pages),
the Plebejus idas-melissa group (over 5 pages) and the Chlosyne palla-acastus
group (8 pages). Available life history information for each species is
summarized, including discussions of larval foodplants. Information on
Oregons butterflies has been traced to its original source, whenever possible,
and over 1300 bibliographic references are cited. Indices of larval foodplant
names and butterfly names are included. The text has been carefully
peer-reviewed by various researchers (as noted in the acknowledgments). No
illustrations or color plates are included, other than on the covers. This
monograph is intended to serve as a companion to the following western
butterfly books, among others: The Butterflies of Cascadia (by Robert Pyle,
2002), Butterflies of British Columbia (by Guppy & Shepard, 2001), An Atlas
of Oregon Butterflies (by Hinchliff, 1994) and The Butterflies of Oregon (by
Dornfeld, 1980). Although limited to butterfly species known from and predicted
to occur in Oregon, various taxonomic and biological observations on the
butterfly faunas of California, northern Nevada, Washington, Idaho, and
elsewhere in North America are offered for many species.
Projected Publication date: 15 March, 2005
Pre-publication cost (payment received before March 15): US $30.00
Post-publication cost (payment received after March 15): US $34.50
Prices include postage under normal circumstances
Make check or requisition to the order of Gillette Museum Publications and
mail to:
Dr. Paul A. Opler, Department of Bioagricultural Sciences, Colorado State
University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 U.S.A.
Below is the catalogue for all publications available through the C.P. Gillette
Contributions of the C.P. Gillette Museum of Arthropod Diversity
[ISSN 1084-8819]
Department of Bioagricultural Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins,
Colo 80523.
Managing Editor: Paul A. Opler: paulevi at
Almost all volumes are wirebound with a color cover on glossy cardstock covered
in clear plastic and a black vinyl back cover. Each issue is photocopied on
high quality acid-free paper. New issues appear at irregular intervals.
Discounts are offered to commercial booksellers. BioQuip, Inc. is the primary
retail outlet for our series
Lepidoptera of North America
1. Distribution of silkmoths (Saturniidae) and Hawkmoths (Sphingidae) of
eastern North America, second edition. 1997. P.A. Opler ($18.00)
A set of maps showing the county-by-county distribution of Saturniidae and
Sphingidae of the eastern conterminous United States. There is a brief
introduction to the volume that discusses several taxonomic problems and
questionable records.
2. Distribution of the butterflies (Papilionoidea and Hesperioidea) of the
eastern United States. Paul A. Opler. 1995. ($20.00).
A set of maps showing the county-by-county distribution of butterflies known
from the eastern conterminous United States as of about 1983. There is a brief
introduction to the volume. Note that more recent county records are not shown
and species newly reported from the region are not included. The scientific
names of some species changed by more recent studies are not reflected in the
3. Butterflies of Kern and Tulare Counties, California. Butterflies of
Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park. Ken Davenport. 2003 (corrected and updated)
An extensive annotated treatment of the butterflies of Kern and Tulare Counties,
California. Specific records are given for each county and the authors notes on
the taxonomic status of many populations is included. This work is of
particular interest as this region of California is one of the most diverse and
there are many unsolved taxonomic issues. A listing of the butterflies of
Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park is presented and is followed by notes on the
effects on a large fire on the regions butterfly populations.
4. Scientific Names List for Butterfly Species of North America north of
Mexico. P.A. Opler and A.D. Warren. 2004 (updated). ($18.00).
This is the first list of scientific names of North American butterfly species
prepared and reviewed by systematists since that of C.D. Ferris (1989). This
list contains the most current scientific names for more than 780 butterfly
species (Papilionoidea and Hesperioidea). Authorship and date of publication
(many corrected) are included. The original spelling of species names is given
in accord with recent practices. Annotations with literature citations are
given for many of the names as explanation for their current usage. Species
are numbered for curatorial purposes. No subspecies are included in the
current list. A list of species erroneously reported for North America is
included and is followed by a list of Hawaiian butterflies. There are more than
380 references to help substantiate the names provided.
5. Contributions to the knowledge of southern West Virginia Lepidoptera.
2004.Valeriu Albu and Eric Metzler ($14.00).
This is the report of a survey of all families of Lepidoptera found in southern
West Virginia. It is notable as one of the few areas in eastern North America
where species of all families are reported. A valuable list of references
employed in the survey is included.
6. Butterflies of Oregon: Their Taxonomy, Distribution, and Biology. 2005.
Andrew D. Warren. (pre-publication price $30.00 for orders received by March
15th, $34.50 thereafter).
7. Colorado Butterflies. Part 1. Satyrinae. 2005. Michael S. Fisher (price
not set, in production).
Moths of Western North America
1. Distribution of Saturniidae of western North America. 1993. Richard S.
Peigler and Paul A. Opler ($9.50)
A set of maps showing the county-by-county distribution of Saturniidae in the
western conterminous United States. There is a brief introduction to the volume
that discusses several taxonomic problems and questionable records.
2. Distribution of Sphingidae of western North America. Revised. 1995. Michael
J. Smith ($11.00)
A set of maps showing the county-by-county distribution of Sphingidae in the
western conterminous United States. There is a brief introduction to the volume
that discusses several taxonomic problems and questionable records. A colored
frontispiece illustrates 3 rare western hawkmoths.
3.A. Arctiidae of western North America. Part 1. Text and maps. 2000. D.C.
Ferguson, P.A. Opler, M.J. Smith and J.P. Donahue ($28.00)
A set of maps showing the county-by-county distribution of Arctiidae in the
western conterminous United States as well as a set of maps showing the
detailed distribution of Arctiidae known from western Canada and Alaska. An
introduction to the family is given as well as an updated checklist to known
western species. There is an extensive bibliography to works on western
Arctiidae as well as an index to the species mapped and discussed.
3B. Arctiidae of western North America. Part 2. Plates. 2002. P.A. Opler.
Price not set. In production is a set of color illustrations to almost
all western North American Arctiidae together with a revised checklist of
4. Distribution of Oecophoridae (sense of Hodges, 1983) of western North
America. J.A. Powell
and P.A. Opler. 1996. ($12.00)
A set of maps showing the county-by-county distribution of Oecophoridae in the
western conterminous United States. There is an introduction to the volume that
discuss several taxonomic problems and the changed concept for the family.
There is an index to all species mapped. Of special interest are the maps for
some species of Ethmia discussed but not mapped in Powells monograph of the
Western Hemisphere species.
Insects of Western North America
1. A survey of the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera), or longhorn beetles of Colorado.
1998. D.J. Heffern ($10.00)
An annotated listing of the Cerambycidae known from Colorado with taxonomic
notes. One color plate of examples is included.
2. The Cicadas of Colorado (Homoptera: Cicadidae, Tibicinidae). 2002. B.C.
Kondratieff, A. R. Ellingsen, and D. Leatherman. ($18.00)
A complete treatment of the Cicadidae known from Colorado. Species treatments,
identification keys, six plates of structures useful for identification, and an
extensive bibliography are included. Five color plates of species in natural
habitats are included. This is the most up-to-date taxonomic treatment of the
family for any region of North America and is useful for neighboring states.
3. Survey of Selected Insect Taxa of Fort Sill, Comanche County, Oklahoma. Part
2. Dragonflies
(Odonata), Stoneflies (Plecoptera) and selected Moths (Lepidoptera).
2004. Kondratieff, Opler,
Garhart, and Schmidt. ($27.00)
The results of an intensive survey of the species of these groups on Fort Sill.
Included Lepidoptera include Saturniidae, Sphingidae, Arctiidae, Notodontidae,
Schinia, and Catocala. Nine color plates of typical species are included. Many
range extensions and new Oklahoma county records are reported for the first
4. Survey of Selected Arthropod Taxa of Fort Sill, Comanche County, Oklahoma.
Part 3. Chapter 1
Survey of Spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) of Fort Sill, Comanche Co., Oklahoma.
Paula E. Cushing & Maren Francis. Chapter 2. Survey of Selected Arthropod Taxa
of Fort Sill, Comanche County, Oklahoma. III. Arachnida: Ixodida, Scorpiones,
Hexapoda: Ephemeroptera, Hemiptera, Homoptera, Coleoptera, Neuroptera,
Trichoptera, Lepidoptera, and Diptera
Prices include postage under normal circumstances
Make check or requisition to the order of Gillette Museum Publications and
mail to:
Dr. Paul A. Opler, Department of Bioagricultural Sciences, Colorado State
University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 U.S.A.
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