Have any handy collecting tips?

Carolyn King cking at yorku.ca
Thu Feb 17 13:26:58 EST 2005

That's a neat diagram! It didn't show properly in my e-mail window, but 
when I copied and pasted it into Word as 10 point Courier, it looked great.
Carolyn King

Mike Quinn wrote:

>Not sure this will come through intact but here's one of the best collecting
>      clothes pin
>				styrofoam plate (rain guard)
>     _____|_|_____________________________________________________|_|____
>    /     | |									| |    \
>   /      | | 									| |     \
>	    |O|									|O|
> 	    | |                                                     | |
>__________| |	      / <-- condiment cup			      | |_________ <-- ground
>	    |\|__________/							|/|			level
>	     \\ ********/ <-- swine (or other) feces     	      /
>	      \\ ______/							     /
>	       \								    /
>	        \								   / <-- cup
>     /\        \								  /
>     || 	    \								 /
><= ground =>     \     						      /
>     || 	      \________________________________________/
>     \/ 		 \______________________________________/
> 		        \_____________Anti-Freeze*___________/
>		         \__________________________________/
>	                \________________________________/
> 			     \______________________________/
>*Sierra brand anti-freeze is environmentally friendly
>Mike Quinn, Austin
>Texas Entomology
>-----Original Message-----
>From: owner-leps-l at lists.yale.edu [mailto:owner-leps-l at lists.yale.edu]On
>Behalf Of Bruce Walsh
>Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 10:16 AM
>To: Leps-list; Moth-ra; SW Leps
>Subject: Have any handy collecting tips?
>Just a reminder that I'm always interested in posting any collecting tips
>and/or Techniques you might wish to share to the community on my
>Collecting and Curation Techniques website,
>Some of the already posted topics are light boxes for photographing
>hints on building cabinets, shoestring-budget MV collecting construction,
>hits on degreasing, etc.  I'm always happy to add to the list, and you
>input is welcomed!  If you would like to contribute, drop me an email.
>Bruce Walsh
>jbwalsh at u.arizona.edu
> ------------------------------------------------------------ 
>   For subscription and related information about LEPS-L visit:
>   http://www.peabody.yale.edu/other/lepsl 


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