Taxonomic literature on-line

Bruce Walsh jbwalsh at
Thu Jan 13 14:38:16 EST 2005


Many of the readers of these list-serves are likely aware that the entire collection of J. Research Lep is now on-line.  What you might not be aware of is that there is a major effort underway to put much of the historic taxonomic literature on line as well.  In particular, Tom Moritz of the American Museum has been active in getting all of their journals scanned and they are currently deciding on how to make this information available.  Likewise, a major meeting is planned for London on this subject.  Here are the details:

"Library and laboratory: the marriage of research, data and taxonomic literature", a two-day meeting that will be held at the Natural History Museum, London on Saturday and Sunday, 5-6 February 2005.  This meeting will bring together taxonomists, digital librarians, publishers, editors, and other stakeholders concerned with taxonomic publications.  The meeting will be devoted to discussing and planning ways to increase electronic access to the taxonomic literature, thereby creating a more effective, powerful and seamless research environment for taxonomists and the users of taxonomic information. 

This is all potentially good news esp for us moth-ers that have to track down the original literature to ID some of our little beasts.  Having electronic access to many of the taxonomic journals, esp. the rare ones, will be a fantastic help.




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