butterflies passion
Jean Michel Maes
jmmaes at ibw.com.ni
Sat Jan 29 16:33:54 EST 2005
Dear Mircea,
I will put a copy of your e-mail for some entomological lists, I am quite
shure if someone is interested by Romanian butterflies it will be possible
to countact you.
Dr. Jean-Michel MAES
AP 527
tel 505-3116586
FAX 505-3110126
jmmaes at ibw.com.ni
jmmaes at yahoo.com (for emergency, only if jmmaes at ibw.com.ni does not answer)
afleon at ibw.com.ni (solo para emergencia, si jmmaes no responde)
http://www.ibw.com.ni/~jmmaes (pequeña pagina de contacto)
www.avesnicaragua.org (aves)
http://www.insectariumvirtual.com/termitero/nicaragua/welcome.htm (Home
www.windsofkansas.com/nicaragua.html (Odonata)
www.geocities.com/krislinde/pdf/JMMAES.pdf (bibliografia)
www.estasemanatv.com/05012003/04.asx (mariposas)
http://www.coleoptera.org/p1760.htm (Lucanidae genera)
----- Original Message -----
From: Vladoi Mircea
To: Jean Michel Maes
Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2005 3:57 AM
Subject: butterflies passion
Mircea Vladoi mailto:mirceavladoi_2003 at yahoo.com
Dear Jean Michel,
I would just like to say a very big thank you for your wishes, for your
message and for your invitation to a butterflies hunting in Nicaragua.
I'm very, very sorry, but in this period I have a very important event
for me and for my family - the marriage ceremony of my son. Perhaps, in next
year, if will can to propose me again, this invitation, I will come to you.
I want to tell you some information about me. I am the member of Romanian
Entomological Society, and I have dealt with butterflies for 30 years. I
have now, about one thousand exotic specimens and about 30,000 Romanian
butterflies. My passion is for Saturniidae, Brassolidae and Morphidae of
world butterflies and for Buprestidae, Cerambicidae, Lucanidae and Cicadidae
of world insects. My collection is formed only by exchanges and is a just a
scientifically collection.
For this, I have a big request to you - I can hope to you, for to obtain
a very wanted specimen - Titanus giganteus,1pair, from French Guyana? I can
to pay this butterfly just in Romanian butterflies.
For the second time, can I to work with some scientifically working,
about the Romanian butterflies or to make the promotion for some exchanges
for my Romanian Butterflies - all this under your web site, because now, I
have not the possibilities to make an individual web site. Please, tell my
if agree this proposals.
Thank you again, and I hope to remain us, in a scientifically contact, on
our range - the butterflies and insects of the world.
All the best for you and for your family.
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