Fwd: butterflies house

Chuck Vaughn aa6g at aa6g.org
Mon Jan 31 10:04:45 EST 2005

If anyone can help this gentleman please contact him directly at:   
sachimi at netvision.net.il


Chuck Vaughn


> From: zivattar <sachimi at netvision.net.il>
> Date: January 31, 2005 2:45:13 AM PST
> To: aa6g at aa6g.org
> Subject: butterflies house
> Dear Chuck
> My name is Ziv, I  am a  Landscape  Designer,  I  live in Israel.
> In the passed few weeks I am collecting information mostly throuhtout  
>  the internet about TROPICAL BUTTERFLIES, my vision is to build a  
> Tropical Butterflies House, open for the public , here in Israel.  I  
> already found out there are only five species of tropical butterflies  
> they allow to bring here, so there is still a lot of work to be done.   
> I also asked the government authority for the specific conditions  
> concerning the butterflies consevatorium they request, well i am still  
> waitting..  I wonder maybe you can help me in any possible way,  
> getting more proffesional information considering the butterflies  
> house itself - I know the Israelly authority adapted  the American  
> standarts for such a house.  Also it will be great help if you can  
> recommend me the right way to gather information considering the  
> maintenance of the butterflies in such a house.  Forgive me for asking  
> that lot of you.. I am looking forward for an answer.


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