New online resource on Lepidoptera now functional.

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Tue Mar 29 02:25:47 EST 2005

The new Online Library section of the TILS web site is now up and running.
The direct link is  This is a 23 page list of links to research
articles on the web on Lepidoptera, and is continually being updated.
There is supposed to be a title on the first page that says.

An Online Library of Lepidoptera Resources: Continually Updated
     Compiled by:  Harry Pavulaan

This title got ommitted on the first upload.  Oops.  Will get that up asap.
It is easy to go to the TILS home page from this section by just clicking on
the masthead.   If you have titiles and links to add to this contact Harry
pavulaan at

If you find any links that don't work for whatever reason, please email
Harry and let him know what they are.

Each link should just open right up (might take a bit of time with a slow
hookup).   But if you get any weird download function boxes popping up, get
with our web master Joe Mueller at,  joe at  as this would
be a problem with the way your PC is configured to open these kinds of
files.  Don't email me as I'm pretty computer illiterate and of no help with
these things.

Ronald R. Gatrelle, president
The International Lepidoptera Survey
gatrelle at
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