Mosquito control No Mo
Stanley A. Gorodenski
stan_gorodenski at
Sun May 8 23:23:48 EDT 2005
And as something a little more closer to home, let's not forget Gregor
Mendel, sometimes called the "father of genetics".
Patrick Foley wrote:
> Neil,
> I hear you, but it is still true that Isaac Newton spent decades doing
> alchemy and Biblical exegesis, and he still got some important things
> scientifically right. But then Babe Ruth was an obese, womanizing
> drunk and still a great athlete. Go figure!
> Patrick
> Neil Jones wrote:
>> On Sunday 08 May 2005 20:51, Hank Brodkin wrote:
>>> Neil -
>>> Surely you are aware that many of the English clergy had a tradition of
>>> studying nature and thus added greatly to our knowledge.
>> Of course. Perhaps I didn't explain my self well.
>>> We can still pick and choose from what Ron - or indeed any of us
>>> have to
>>> offer. Depending upon your definition of the word scientist very
>>> few of us
>>> would qualify.
>> That is just the point. The definition of a scientist I am using is "
>> A person using scientific methods". You can easily be a Preacher AND
>> a scientist. It is fairly easy to fit this definition but Ron is
>> risking falling outside it. As I said he is probably a nice guy but
>> he is risking his reputation by not thinking about what he says. THe
>> problem is that he jumps to so many conclusions I doubt everything he
>> says now,
>>> Should Leps-L be any more of a forum for espousing religious views than
>>> Tils ? I think not. But then I am the pot calling the kettle black
>>> ;-)
>> --
>> Neil Jones- Neil at
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