preservation of insects without using naphthalene
Stan Gorodenski
stan_gorodenski at
Mon Oct 31 17:51:04 EST 2005
About a year ago I purchased vapona strips from BioQuip, but have not
used them yet. Assuming they are better than PDB, in what sense are
they, other than the lack of the PDB smell? I know they are supposed to
be very good, but, not as a criticism in the form of a question, are the
vapona strips cost effective compared to PDB? Vapons strips seem to be
very expensive, but maybe they go pretty far.
As far as preservation of insects without naphthalene, what about
sprinkling liberal amounts of Plutonium granules inside the drawers and
cabinets. The radiation should kill everything! (just joking with this
Jonathan Sylvestre wrote:
> Dear Cathy
> I Use Vapona (Dichlorvos) as fumigant. It left very long and its
> better than PDB and naphtalene.
> You could use commercial Vapona tablet. Cut little square and place
> them into a container in your cabinet.
> Also, Bioquip ( sell ready to use vapona pest strip.
> Since I use Dichlorvos, I never had problem !
> I hope this help
> Good luck
> Jonathan Sylvestre
> Manseau, Qc, Canada
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Cathy Young" <cjyoung at>
> To: <leps-l at>
> Sent: Monday, October 31, 2005 3:09 AM
> Subject: preservation of insects without using naphthalene
>> Dear Colleagues
>> I am the curator of a large museum of pinned insects. At present we are
>> canvassing alternative methods of pinned insect preservation without
>> using
>> naphthalene. Our collection of approximately 100,000 specimens is
>> currently
>> housed in metal cabinets and drawers with naphthalene as the principal
>> insect repellant. Has anyone on the list had any experience of
>> switching to
>> an alternative repellant or means of preservation, especially with a
>> large
>> collection?
>> Cheers
>> Dr Cathy Young
>> Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment
>> Hobart
>> Tasmania
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