[moth-rah] Batteries for running lights

Brian Scholtens scholtensb at cofc.edu
Wed Apr 12 16:04:35 EDT 2006


I like wheelchair batteries.  They are designed to be repeatedly charged and
will run a trap for nearly 2 nights if necessary.  A bit more expensive, but
I also like their compact size.  I can carry them in 6-pack coolers.

Brian Scholtens

From: "Hugh McGuinness" <hmcguinness at ross.org>
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 15:59:13 -0400
To: <leps-l at lists.yale.edu>, "Mothrah" <TILS-moth-rah at yahoogroups.com>
Subject: [moth-rah] Batteries for running lights

Hello Lepidophiles,
I do a lot of sampling in remote areas where generators are either not
allowed or cannot be dragged, so I run my UV light traps off batteries.
In the past I have used garden tractor batteries, but now I am
interested in using deep-discharge batteries. The UV lights are the
standard issue from Bioquip (15 Watts; 12 volts). Can anyone recommend a
deep discharge battery for running these lights?

Hugh McGuinness
The Ross School
18 Goodfriend Drive
East Hampton, NY 11963
hmcguinness at ross.org
631-907-4229 (no messages please)
631-697-2099 (cell)




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