Revised motion re new subscritption deal
Gary Anweiler
gganweiler at
Sat Apr 29 12:00:45 EDT 2006
Greetings all
I would like to clarify my initial motion re. "extended" subscriptions to address the points raised in the ensuing discussions. I believe we can vote on this very soon, as it has in effect already been discussed for a week. Ladies and gentlemen, time IS of the essence here!
"Moved by Anweiler:
That any non-members wishing to purchase a Regular or Student Membership in the Lepidopterists' Society at the regular posted rate will receive a membership that includes the remainder of the current year PLUS the 12 moths of the following calendar year. All regular publications (News, Journal, Seasonal Summary etc.) are included in this offer. This offer does not include back issues of any publications issued prior to the start of the subscription.
This offer will be good for the remainder of this year (2006) and until such time as it is discontinued by the Executive Council."
Gary Anweiler
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