Lepidoptera Seminar in Maine

Brian Scholtens scholtensb at cofc.edu
Wed Jan 11 10:33:27 EST 2006


2006 Lepidoptera Seminar at the Humboldt Institute on the coast of Maine!

June 4 - 10, 2006
   This seminar will present a broad overview of butterflies and moths and
their natural history and is of special interest to naturalists, field
biologists, new researchers, and volunteers interested in working with
natural heritage programs. Topics which will be covered include field and
lab identification characters for families as well as local species, whole
specimen preparation, micro-dissection  essential for identification
purposes, rearing techniques, and Š The major families of macrolepidoptera
will be introduced using specimens. Night field trips are planned to observe
and collect moths for study and to learn field identification characters.
There will be a comprehensive discussion of references for studying
butterflies and moths in the Northeast, emphasizing how naturalists can make
significant contributions to the study of lepidoptera through observation,
photography, and collecting.
   Dr. Brian Scholtens (mailto:scholtensb at cofc.edu) received his PhD from
the University of Michigan in 1990. He has been on the faculty at the
College of Charleston in Charleston, SC since 1992, where he is an associate
professor. He has also taught "The Biology of Insects" for more than 10
years at the University of Michigan Biological Station. His research
interests are the conservation biology of threatened and endangered insects
and the systematics and faunistics of Lepidoptera. He is currently involved
in projects working on a threatened locust species on the dunes of the Great
Lakes, an endangered water beetle in the Great Lakes region, and a major
survey of all species in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, where he is
one of the coordinators of the Lepidoptera survey effort.


Aquatic Entomology for Naturalists
June 4 - 10, 2006
Fred SaintOurs

Coleoptera: Beetles for Naturalists
June 18 - 24, 2006
Dr. Donald S. Chandler

Guild of Natural Science Illustrators (GNSI) 2006 Workshop:
I. Painting Butterflies and Moths with Acrylics and Color Pencil, and
II. Painting Watercolor Botanicals on Vellum
June 25 - July 1, 2006
Dolores R. Santoliquido and Carol Woodin

Arachnids: The Natural History, Ecology, and Behavior of Spiders
June 25 - July 1, 2006
Dr. Linden Higgins 

Chironomids: Classification, Morphology, Identification and Lifecycles
August 13 - 19, 2006
Dr. Leonard C. Ferrington, Jr.

Development of Electronic Natural History Identification Guides
October 2 - 6, 2006
Fred SaintOurs 


For more information, please contact the Humboldt Institute, PO Box 9,
Steuben, ME 04680-0009.
207-546-2821. Fax 207-546-3042
E-mail - mailto:office at eaglehill.us
Online registration and information - http://www.eaglehill.us

   In support of  field biologists, modern field naturalists, and students
of the natural history sciences, Eagle Hill offers specialty seminars and
workshops at different ecological scales for those who are interested in
understanding, addressing, and solving complex ecological questions.
Seminars topics range from watershed level subjects, and subjects in
classical ecology, to highly specialized seminars in advanced biology,
taxonomy, and ecological restoration. Eagle Hill has long been recognized as
offering hard-to-find seminars and workshops which provide important
opportunities for training and meeting others who are likewise dedicated to
the natural history sciences.
   Eagle Hill field seminars are of special interest because they focus on
the natural history of one of North America's most spectacular and pristine
natural areas, the coast of eastern Maine from Acadia National Park to Petit
Manan National Wildlife Refuge and beyond. Most seminars combine field
studies with follow-up lab studies and a review of the literature.
Additional information is provided in lectures, slide presentations, and
discussions. Seminars  are primarily taught for people who already  have a
reasonable background in a seminar program or in related subjects, or who
are keenly interested in learning about a new subject. Prior discussions of
personal study objectives are welcome. 


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