Paul Cherubini caught out yet again

Neil Jones neil at
Sun Jun 4 14:20:33 EDT 2006

On Sun, 2006-06-04 at 05:32, Paul Cherubini wrote:
> Probably few of you realize that last summer
> monarch populations were at normal levels in the
> upper Midwestern and Eastern USA.  In fact, monarch
> egg densities last summer in the upper Midwest were near
> a 10 year high according to Dr. Karen Oberhauser:
> Ironically, that means monarch egg densities last 
> summer were near a 10 year high in the same area
> of the USA where most of the Bt corn and herbicide 
> tolerant soybeans are grown.
> This spring the monarch populations are even higher
> than last year and will likely be much above normal all 
> summer and fall in the upper Midwest, Great Lakes States
> and New England States.
> But, like I say, few of you may be aware of this good
> news because it hasn't been publicized.  
> Paul Cherubini
> El Dorado, Calif.

The simple reason it hasn't been publicised is because it isn't true.
That isn't Dr Oberhauser's original graph!

I don't propose to go over Paul Cherubini's history here but suffice it
to say this is not the first time! I don't know any sensible scientist
who takes any notice of what he says any more. Interested newcomers
should do a few searches on his name, or read the book "Four wings and a
Prayer" by Sue Halpern.

Paul Cherubini doesn't give a source for the graph but it would appear
to come from the newsletter of the Monarch Larva Monitoring Project
which is run by Dr Oberhauser and her colleagues.

You'll find the graph at the top right hand corner of the second page.

For those who have difficulty comparing the graphs I have compiled a 
web page which puts the two together when the changes in Paul
Cherubini's graph become very obvious.

Paul Cherubini's graph appears to have been altered to say something
which enables him to make a conclusion that is more sympathetic to the
pesticide companies whose products he sells.

Neil Jones
Neil at


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