Fwd: Lycaenid host plants
Ernest Williams
ewilliam at hamilton.edu
Mon Mar 27 07:49:20 EST 2006
Lep folks,
Can someone help this person? Please respond directly to him.
>Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2006 11:12:02 +0200
>From: Arne Witt <WittA at arc.agric.za>
>Subject: Lycaenid host plants
>To: ewilliam at hamilton.edu
>Original-recipient: rfc822;ewilliam at hamilton.edu
>Dear Ernest
> I am involved in a project to determine why Bryophyllum delagoense
>(Crassulaceae), a native of Madagascar, is invasive in Australia but
>not here in South Africa where it has been for more than 150 years.
>One possible reason is that we have many native Crassulaceae and the
>possibility does exist that native insects associated with these
>spp. have moved onto the introduced species. This is very likely as
>Bryophyllum used to be in the genus Kalanchoe of which we have many
>native species. I have collected a number of lycaenids on the
>introduced and native Crassulaceae in SA. I know that a number of
>Bryophyllum spp. have also been introduced to the US and Mexico and
>am obviously curious to know if any lycaenids have been recorded on
>these spp. Mexico and the US have a huge crassulaceous flora and
>intuitively one would expect some native insects to have the ability
>to develop on introduced crassulaceous spp. However, you don't have
>native Kalanchoe spp. so insects including lycaenids may not be
>pre-adapted to feed on Bryophyllum spp. What I would really
>appreciate is a list of native lycaenids associated with species in
>the family Crassulaceae (native and introduced). This would help me
>a great deal. If you can't be of assistance you could possibly point
>me in the right direction. Your assistance would be much
>appreciated. Thanking you in advance.
>Please note my new email address: WittA at arc.agric.za
>Arne B.R. Witt
>Weeds Division
>P/Bag X134
>South Africa
>Fax: +27 12 3293278
>Tel.: +27 12 3569839
>Cell: 0832871032
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Ernest H. Williams
Leonard C. Ferguson Professor and Chair
Department of Biology
Hamilton College
Clinton, New York 13323
(315) 859-4387
ewilliam at hamilton.edu
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