Unidentified moth?

Hugh McGuinness hmcguinness at ross.org
Tue May 2 17:52:08 EDT 2006

Can someone re-port the original link to eh photo of this moth? I don't
seem to have received the original e-mail.




Hugh McGuinness

The Ross School

18 Goodfriend Dr.

East Hampton, NY 11963

631-907-5229 (no messages)

631-697-2099 (cell)


From: owner-leps-l at lists.yale.edu [mailto:owner-leps-l at lists.yale.edu]
On Behalf Of Carolyn King
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 5:12 PM
To: Tondaleo at hotmail.com
Cc: leps-l at lists.yale.edu; dbeadle at pathcom.com
Subject: Re: Unidentified moth?


Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I didn't get the original

I saw a moth that did something similar to this, in Costa Rica 9 years
ago. Unfortunately we put off taking a photograph of it that night, and
the next morning it had assumed a normal position. I haven't mentioned
it to many people because I didn't think they'd believe me! Has anyone
else observed this? 

It doesn't look like "3 inches in length" to me, judging by the plywood
next to it, more like 1 inch. 

Carolyn King 
Toronto Entomologists' Association 

"OscartheGrouch" <Tondaleo at hotmail.com> 
Sent by: owner-leps-l at lists.yale.edu 

05/01/06 08:30 PM 

Please respond to
Tondaleo at hotmail.com


leps-l at lists.yale.edu 




Re: Unidentified moth?




"Norman Tulloch" <norman.tulloch at virgin.net> wrote in message 
news:1146523589.037580.295380 at i39g2000cwa.googlegroups.com...
> David,
> You suggested that it would have been helpful if I had given an
> indication of the size of the moth.
> The person who asked about it said that it was "about 3 inches in
> length".
> Norman Tulloch

Is it just me? What is that thing doing with it's forewings? And
for that matter. Bending them along a median line at 90 degrees out away

from the body? ?? 


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