Scarlet-bodied Wasp Moth (Cosmosoma myrodora) - way cool biology!
Vincent Lucas
vlucas at
Thu Nov 2 09:18:03 EST 2006
Mike Quinn said:
> Queens (Danaus gilippus) require PAs for courtship as well, but in
> this case the PAs are converted to pheromones rather than
> protective chemicals. (If I had known there was this fascinating
> world of plant-insect interaction chemistry, I might have paid more
> attention during Organic Chemistry...)
> Multiple male Queens on withered Eupatorium greggii
> Boppré (1979) apparently found that withered or damaged plants in
> the tribes Senecioneae and Eupatorieae of the Asteraceae, as well
> as plants in the Boraginaceae and Fabaceae were particularly
> attractive to male danaids.
> Boppré, M. 1979. Lepidoptera and withered plants. Antenna (Bulletin
> of the Royal Entomological Society of London 3: 7-9.
> Multiple male Queens on Senecio riddelli
> Multiple male Queens on Senecio confusis
> Male Queen shown with extruded hairpencils releasing pheromones in
> front of a female Queen:
Have a look at this photo of some Queens on some rattlebox seed pods
I recently took here in Southwest Florida. Go to:
Is that what these Queens are doing on this rattlebox -- Sesbania
punicea (Cav.) Benth.?
Vincent Lucas
Naples, FL
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