leps Dplex nonsense

viceroy at bellsouth.net viceroy at bellsouth.net
Mon Sep 11 16:43:35 EDT 2006

> From: Mark Walker <walkerm at gat.com>
> Date: 2006/09/11 Mon PM 04:19:20 EDT
> To: viceroy at bellsouth.net
> Subject: RE: leps Dplex nonsense
> Hey Anne,
> Yes, I did see this - and thought "huh?".  Then I read the fine print and
> realized that it was mostly an incoherent and irrational praise of Hans (and
> yes, I also recall these events quite well from LEPS-L days gone by), and
> apparently written as an attack on those who were recollected to be chief
> opponents.  That's when I deduced that my name must have been
> inappropriately mis-assigned (for I have no affiliation with Butterfly
> Conservation, nor with Oxford, and do not even recall ever getting involved
> in any disparaging dialog involving Mr. Schnauber).  However, mine was
> clearly a name that was bounding about LEPS-L between 1997-2000, and
> apparently the poster mixed me up with somebody else.
> Anyway, thanks for the assistance in clearing up my name.  I hope my
> reputation can survive the attack... };>)  (fortunately for me, reputation
> means absolutely nothing).
> It turns out that I haven't bothered to register my current email address
> with the current LEPS-L listserve (though I continue to receive the emails),
> and am therefore not in a position to comment publicly (unless you want to
> forward this response).
> I'm trying to see where and how Mr. Schnauber has been vindicated, but I'm
> coming up empty.
> Oh well, I've spent entirely too much time on it already, so I'll move on...
> Mark.
I did not detect any vindication therein myself. Sounds more to me as if "jewguy" does not quite understand all that legal stuff and how it worked out. 

As I understand it, Mr. Schnauber has said he's sorry and will not do it again, which doesn't have much to do with butterflies, and quite a few people have spent about $500 for a chance to win big bucks, which, as in all pyramid schemes, only works for the first few folks who hop on board. 

The links at the end work just fine. They connect with various people and organizations that have nothing to do with Mr. Schnauber's contretemps, and much to do with butterflies. 

I do not detect any triumph in these events, either for him or his victims/opponents. 
He should certainly have put his name and location in the posting, and should confine his remarks to the subject of butterflies. 

You might want to tell leps list who you are now, thus regularizing the relationship. 

happy days
Anne Kilmer 
Mayo till Sunday; then traveling towards Florida on Norwegian Dream, through Florence, Gordon, and a host of relatives and friends. 


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