Climate change

Hugh McGuinness hmcguinness at
Thu Sep 21 14:28:08 EDT 2006

Dear Fellow Leppers,


With regards to global warming, I think it's a no-brainer at this point.


First we have a well-respected and well-tested model of how the earth is
kept warm. This model was developed independently of a particular
political agenda and was used for years before the global warming
controversy. This is of course the "greenhouse" model wherein certain
atmospheric gases, particularly carbon dioxide, trap infra-red radiation
and thereby warm the earth. In short, the model says if carbon dioxide
concentration goes up, the earth should get warmer.


Second we are able to measure fairly accurately the anthropogenic
emissions of these gases, and know within a reasonable level of
confidence how they compare to the natural fluxes in carbon dioxide.
These data indicate that human sources of carbon dioxide should be
causing the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide to increase


Third we can measure the levels of these gases and we find that levels
of carbon dioxide are increasing and are now at the highest levels ever
experienced on earth.


Fourth, there is the temperature data, which shows that the average
global temperature has been rising as the concentration of carbon
dioxide does.


It's a pretty strong case.


Finally, there was a study released last year that showed that over the
last 2 decades more than 900 peer-reviewed scientific papers have been
published that have supported or been neutral towards the global warming
hypothesis. In contrast the number of published papers in peer-reviewed
journals that have refuted the hypothesis is zero. In stark contrast was
their finding that more than 50% of the articles about global warming
published in the so-called "liberal press" (New York Times, Los Angeles
Times, etc.; and they only examined the more intellectual newspapers)
have taken a position that casts doubt about the veracity of global
warming. Clearly there is a political agenda driving the debate, but
it's not the one cited by Michael Soukup with his implication that there
is a "they" that has changed the term from global warming to climate




Hugh McGuinness

The Ross School

18 Goodfriend Dr.

East Hampton, NY 11963

631-907-5229 (no messages)

631-697-2099 (cell)


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