Terminology help
Michael Gochfeld
gochfeld at eohsi.rutgers.edu
Fri Aug 24 10:47:42 EDT 2007
For my two sents: Resident implies to me that the species occurs there consistently, year after year and over winters. If so, "breeding resident" would be suitable, or simply "breeds". You could use "breeding resident" or "breeding visitor", which bird-people sometimes distinguish. This would allow you to distinguish southern species that may move northward and breed in some or most years, but don't over winter. MICHAEL GOCHFELD
From: owner-leps-l at lists.yale.edu on behalf of Stillwaugh, Donald M
Sent: Fri 8/24/2007 7:55 AM
To: LEPS-L at lists.yale.edu
Subject: Terminology help
Good Morning,
In need of some help with terminology. We are QAQCing our species lists
for various sites including a barrier island. I want to make the
distinction between those lepidoptera species which are reproducing on
the island and those that stray over (much the same way birders
distinguish those species which are nesting on site as a subset of the
total species observed list). My question is, do I use "breeding on
site"? "reproducing on site" just sounds bad to me....is there a better
term out there? Maybe "residents" ?
Thanks in advance for any input,
Don Stillwaugh, M.S.
Senior Environmental Specialist
Pinellas County Department of Environmental Management
Environmental Lands Division
3620 Fletch Haven Drive
Tarpon Springs, FL 34688
727-453-6932 (office)
727-453-6902 (facsimile)
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