Lepidoptera Books for Sale

Valerie Passoa vapassoa at ameritech.net
Tue Jan 23 16:19:48 EST 2007

Hello Everyone,
    David Parshall has the following books for sale.  They are highly sought-after and in some cases, rare.  If you are interested, please contact Dave directly using this e-mail address:  dparshall at insight.rr.com
Thank you.


1.  Biologia Centrali-Americana, Insecta, Lepidoptera-Rhopalocera, Vols. I, II, & III.  Frederick Ducane Godman and Osbert Salvin. 1901.  187pp.  Original cloth. Plates are not colored.  Mint condition.  $1600.00


2.  Les Macroleopidopteres de la Faune Americaine. Tome VI, Les bombyx et les Sphinx Americains.  A. Seita Stullgart 1940. Vols. I and II. Bound in mint condition.  $1200.00


3. Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History:  New Series, Volume III, Part I.  Illustrations of the North American Species of Genus Catocala by W.M. Barnes M.D. and J. McDonough, Oct. 1918.  Original binding has separated in mid-binding but is intact. Plates are also intact.  A good, clean copy. (John H. Newman's copy.) $300.00


4.  Genera et Species Animalium Argentinorum, opus Horatius R. Descole, Michalis Lillo, Tomas Seundus, MMCMC No. 715 signed volume.  Insecta Lepidoptera (Ropalocera) Hesperiidarum exposuit Kenneth Ioannes Hayward, Bonarial. 1950.  Excellent condition.  $1000.00


5. Butterflies of California by John Adams Comstock. 1927. Rebound copy of the original copy.  Mint condition.  $350.00


6. Butterflies (of Minnesota).  Ralph W. Macy and Harold H. Shepard.  The University of Minnesota Press. Original cloth. Three (3) color plates with each species figured in black and white with text.  247 pp. Excellent condition. $30.00


7.  The Moth Book by W. J. Holland.  1916.  The New Nature Library Series.  Doubleday, Page and Co.  Original cloth in excellent condition.  $55.00


8.  The Butterfly Book by W.J. Holland1931 (the reissued edition) Original cloth.  no jacket. Excellent condition $125


9.  Colorado Butterflies, Brown, Eff, & Martin. 1957 With jacket in excellent condition.  $65


10. Hubner: A Bibliographical and Systematic Account of Entomological Works of Jacob Hubner.  Francis Hemming.   Vols. 1 & 2. (E.W.Classey Ltd book).  London: The Royal Entomological Society of London.  1937.  $500  


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