Fw: Mottled Duskywing in Canada

Carolyn King cking at yorku.ca
Tue Jun 19 15:20:42 EDT 2007

Hello Everyone,
I am forwarding this request from Jessica Grealey.
She would like to know about Mottled Duskywing records you have for 
Canada.  Photo or specimen verification would be nice, but not necessary.
Please pass this on.
Carolyn King
Toronto Entomologists' Association

----- Forwarded by Carolyn King/fs/YorkU on 06/19/07 03:17 PM -----
"Jessica Grealey" <jgrealey at nrsi.on.ca> 
05/22/07 10:54 AM

<cking at yorku.ca>

Mottled Duskywing

I have been retained by the COSEWIC Secretariat to prepare a status report 
on the Mottled Duskywing (Erynnis martialis).  If you have any 
distribution info on this species or know anyone who may please let me 
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