Limenitis arthemis eggs, larvae, or pupae

Sean Mullen sem307 at
Wed Jun 27 12:56:30 EDT 2007

Hi folks,

My students and I are trying to rear and interbreed populations of 
white-banded admirals and red-spotted purples.

Things had been going quite well but, unfortunately, ants got into my 
white admiral colony early last week.

I plan a collecting trip in the next couple of weeks but given the 
difficulty of hand-netting female Limenitis, I thought I'd ask if 
anyone is currently breeding these butterflies?

In any case, please keep an eye out for these butterflies and/or eggs 
and let me know when and where they are flying here on the east coast.  
If you have eggs, larvae, or adult females I'd also be interested if 
within driving distance.



Sean P. Mullen, Ph.D.
Dept. of Biological Sciences
Lehigh University
Bethlehem, PA 18018


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