Danuas plexxipuss - very early this year

John Shuey jshuey at TNC.ORG
Wed Apr 23 08:56:25 EDT 2008

I was out look at spring species (I henrici, A midea and Erynnis) last
Friday in Southern Indiana.  Saw 2 female Danaus plexippus - both
searching for hostplants along swamp forest roads! 
April 18 seems a bit early - trees aren't leafed out yet, and red bud
hasn't even hit full bloom yet.
Please consider the environment before printing this email 

John A Shuey
Director of Conservation Science

jshuey at tnc.org
(317) 951-8818 (Phone) 
(800) 937-5263 (Phone) 
(317) 917-2478 (Fax) 

nature.org <http://nature.org/>  	     	 The Nature Conservancy
Indiana Field Office 
1505 N Delaware Street
Suite 200
Indianapolis, IN 46202


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