Dusky-Wing ID

bretcal1 bretcal1 at verizon.net
Fri Aug 8 07:18:14 EDT 2008


It looks like E. baptisiae to me. I have recently found baptisiae in several 
areas of Maine, where it was first discovered last year. It seems to be 
spreading very quickly northward along the I-95 corridor where crown vetch 
has been planted. It will likely become quite widespread, at least in 
southwestern Maine, within a few years.

Best regards,
John Calhoun

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Alan Wormington" <wormington at juno.com>
To: <LEPS-L at lists.yale.edu>
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2008 5:57 PM
Subject: Dusky-Wing ID

> Everyone,
> The link for the unidentified dusky-wing is long and broken, therefore
> try this instead:
> http://groups.google.ca/group/onbutterflies
> Select the message titled "Duskwing at Point Pelee (ID Quiz)" --
> currently the 4th message.
> Alan Wormington
> Leamington, Ontario
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