Fwd: Re: (no subject) - Integrated Roadside Vegetation Management
Royce J Bitzer
mariposa at iastate.edu
Tue Aug 12 10:45:31 EDT 2008
Here's how we plant and manage roadside vegetation in Iowa:
Integrated Roadside Vegetation Management
Royce J. Bitzer
mariposa at iastate.edu
Department of Entomology
Room 4, Insectary Building
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa 50011-3140
> >From popserve Mon Aug 11 23:12:22 2008
>X-Envelope-From: stanlep at commspeed.net
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>Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2008 20:39:47 -0700
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>Subject: Re: (no subject)
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>It seems the new tool. man/woman-kind invents (more powerful
>bulldozers, for example) results in a further unnecessary disruption
>of the Earth. It baffles me why there is the need to waste energy to
>create a very sterile looking environment. I think the answer is
>that most people find a neatly mowed road shoulder more attractive
>than one with natural vegetation and flowers. Since we are in the
>minority I guess that is the reason why things keep getting mowed. I
>don't buy the fire hazard argument.
>May wrote:
>>Florida's butterflies are dwindling. I knew that already. The
>>FDOT will not still the roadside mowers, where the wildflowers
>>are. In Bay County, where I live, they tried to form a coalition
>>for butterflies with the purpose of letting the flowers seed first,
>>then mow. At first FDOT was agreeable. It saves the
>>municipalities and state money.
>>But they are mowing viciously. I just sent the local Audubon a
>>list of what I've seen this year.
>>Hardly any. And not even ONE sulphur.
>>Bayou George, FL
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