Butterflies of the Middle East - First International Congress, 29-30 May 2008

Lawrence F. Gall lawrence.gall at yale.edu
Sun Feb 24 20:45:00 EST 2008

 A meeting announcement being passed along from D. Benyamini / D. Furth:


*_The Israeli Lepidopterists Society  23.2.2008_*

* Butterflies of the Middle East - Ist International Congress*

*    29 -- 30.5.2008 Jerusalem & Tel-Aviv Universities, ISRAEL*

* *

*_General Program_*

*1^st day, Thursday - 29.5.2008 -- The Hebrew University, Givat Ram 
Campus, Jerusalem*

*Butterflies of the Middle East *

*Biology of the Butterflies***

*- Late afternoon -- A visit to the Old City of Jerusalem*

* *

*2^nd day, Friday - 30.5.2008 -- Tel - Aviv University, Ramat Aviv 
Campus, Tel-Aviv*

*Butterfly Conservation & Climate Change*

*- Early afternoon - Field trip to /Apharitis cilissa/ site at *

*Hadera ***

* *

* **3rd day, Saturday - 31.5.2008 -- Field trip to Mt Hermon***

* *

*Congress Language - English*

* *


*Government of Israel (TBD)*

*The Hebrew University -- Givat Ram, Jerusalem*

*Tel-Aviv** University** --  Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv*

*The Israeli Lepidopterists Society*

*Man and Nature Museum, Ramat - Gan *

*4D MicroRobotics Ltd, Israel*

*Shaked Computers, Tel Aviv, Israel*

* *

*                                                   -2-*


*_Preliminary Program:_*

*_ _*

*_Thursday 29.5.2008 -- Jerusalem, The Hebrew University, _*

*_Givat Ram Campus, Berman Building,  ASA Dept._**_  _*


*08;30-09;00 -- Registration*

* *

*09;00 -- 09;15 Welcome -- Mr. Dubi Benyamini - President of *

*the Israeli Lep. Society and Dr Salit Kark , ASA Dept.*

* *

*09;15 -- 09;30 Mr. Shalom Simchon, Israel Minister of Agricultue*

* *

*09;30- 11;00 -- Morning Sessions A*

* *

*11;00 -- 11;30 Coffee break*

* *

*11;30 -- 13;00 -- Morning Sessions B*

* *

*13;00 -- 14;00  Launch *

* *

*14;00 -- 15;30 Afternoon Sessions C   *

* *

*15;30 -- 16;00 Coffee break*

* *

*16;00 -- 17;30 Afternoon Sessions D*

* *

*17;30 -- 19;00 Tour to the Old City *

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*_ _*

* *

*                                                 -3-*

*_ _*

*_Friday 30.5.2008 -- Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv Campus. Sherman 
Building, Zoology (Entomology) _*

*_ _*

*08;00 -- 10;00 Morning Sessions E*

* *

*10;00 -- 10;15 Coffee Break*

* *

*10;15 -- 11;45 Morning Sessions F*

* *

*11;45 -- 12;15 Launch (sandwich and cold drink)*

* *

*12;30 -- Departing to the /Apharitis cilissa/ site in Hadera*

* *

*13;15 -- Guided tour to the suggested areas for conservation. *

* Our guides are : Dr Guy Pe'er & Dr Ron Frumkin*

*_ _*

*_ _*

*_Saturday 31.5.2008  - Mt Hermon, Northern Israel_*

*_Visit to the various vegetational belts from 1200m to the top at 2050m_*

*_ _*

*Our Guides are Dr Salit Kark, and Mr Oded Levanoni -- ASA Dept. The 
Hebrew University, Jerusalem *

*_ _*

*_ _*

*_Sunday 1.6.2008 -- Monday 2.6.2008 Field trip to Jebel Um Adami S. 
Jordan _**_._*

*_A limited, pre arranged participation_*

*_(To be coordinated personally with Dubi Benyamini)_*

*_ _*

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*                                                  -4-__*

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*1)   **_Power Point of up to 20 minutes -- please leave at least two 
minutes for one or two questions_*

*2)   **_Please send your subject and requested session number ( A to F)_*

*_   _*

*_ _*

*_Logistics for Foregion Countries Participants:_*

*1)   **Please book your flights for landing in Ben Gurion Itnl airport, 
Tel Aviv, Israel on 28.5.2008 afternoon or earlier*

*2)   **Home stay with members of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society is 
available for up to about 20 participants -- please request it by 
e-mailing to Dubi Benyamini.  *

*3)   **Car rentals are not necessary for home stay visitors*

*4)   **Tel Aviv area is recommended for lodging  *

*_   _*

*_Registration_**;  By e-mailing to: dubi_ben at netvision.net.il 
<mailto:dubi_ben at netvision.net.il> *

*Reg. fees -- up to 100$ to cover publication cost. We will do our best 
to minimize your expenses*

* *

*_Please specify requested dates of field trips_*

*1) 30.5.2008  (Hadera)  number of participants -- *

*2) 31.5.2008  (Mt Hermon) no' of participants -- *

* *

*_ _*

*_Final updated program will be circulated NLT 28.4.2008_*

*_ _*

*_Please do not hasitate to ask for any additional needed information._*

*_ _*


Lawrence F. Gall, Ph.D.

Head, Computer Systems Office
Curatorial Affiliate in Entomology
Executive Editor, Peabody Publications
Lepidoptera Section Co-Editor, Zootaxa

Peabody Museum of Natural History
P.O. Box 208118, Yale University
New Haven, CT 06520-8118 USA

email: lawrence.gall at yale.edu
phone: 1-203-432-9892
FAX:   1-203-432-9816

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