Wedge Entomological Research Foundation...HELP!!

Eric or Pat Metzler metzlere at
Thu Jan 10 18:44:09 EST 2008

Hi Marc,

You found us.

The books are being mailed this week.  It was formally published 27 Dec 
2007.  Last minute Christmas crunch rush orders at book binders slowed 
it down, but you will soon have the book.

I appreciate the comments about no contact information at the website.  
We'll get it fixed right away.

Thanks for contacting us.

Eric H. Metzler

LEPS-L wrote:
> Hi all,
> I ordered the book, The Hawk Moths of North America, back in October and 
> they were supposed to send it out before the end of last year. I haven't 
> received it or any information at all. I talked to 3 others who did the same 
> thing, and they are in the same boat. The wesbite has no contact 
> information, and a yellow pages search does not find them. Additionally, the 
> website still has the same information about ordering before Nov. 1, 2007. 
> Does anyone have any contact information for these guys...Wedge 
> Entomological Research Foundation?
> Thanks,
> Marc
> glaucus at 
>  ------------------------------------------------------------ 
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Eric H. or Patricia A. Metzler
P.O. Box 45
Alamogordo, New Mexico 88311-0045  USA
metzlere at


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