Fwd: Death of Roy Kendall - Texas Lepidopterist

Mike Quinn entomike at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 10:38:50 EST 2008

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dan Hardy <dhh787 at yahoo.com>
Date: Jan 20, 2008 11:29 PM
Subject: Death of Roy Kendall
To: TX-BUTTERFLY at listserv.uh.edu

I have learned that Roy Kendall died yesterday in San Antonio.  Here
is an obituary in the San Antonio paper.

Dan Hardy

Roy O'Neal Kendall, age 95, passed away January 19, 2008. He was born
May 21, 1912, in Ingalls, Gray County, Kansas. He is preceded in death
by his wife Conway B. Alford Kendall (Connie) of 44 years, and stepson
G. L. Montgomery. He is survived by another stepson Bobby G.
Montgomery, two grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews. He
retired in 1972 from the Federal Civil Service, having worked for the
U.S. Army 1941--1953 and Air Force 1954--1972. He served in World War
II in Northern France and Central Europe campaigns. He will be best
remembered by his friends and colleagues for his outstanding
contributions to the study of moths and butterflies. He and his wife
Connie made many road trips deep into Mexico and all over Texas,
amassing a huge and well-documented collection of moths and
butterflies of significant value to the scientific community. That
collection was donated and transfered to the Entomology Department at
Texas A&M University in recent years. He published numerous scholarly
papers on the life history of these insects in scientific journals. He
documented the life cycles of more than 500 butterflies and moths of
Mexico and especially Texas, and preserved research material of each
stage for future workers. He discovered many new kinds of moths and
butterflies, and several of those were named by others in his honor.
In addition to several awards by the scientific community, he was
honored with the Presidential Certificate for Services Rendered to the
Nation on October 16, 1940. Mr. Kendall carried out undergraduate
studies at Louisiana State University, and night courses at Trinity
University in 1951--1956. He was an active member of the
Lepidopterists' Society, and had research associate affiliations with
Welder Wildlife Refuge (Sinton, Texas) and Florida State Museum. He
and his work with butterflies were featured in October 1982 in Texas
Monthly magazine, and for many years he was the leading authority on
Texas butterflies.


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