Lep Soc Meeting 2008

John Acorn janature at compusmart.ab.ca
Tue Jul 1 23:47:34 EDT 2008

Hi Folks,

Just wanted to thank everyone who made the meeting in Mississippi such  
a fine event.  Richard Brown and his committee did a great job with  
the venue, the food, the music and the museum.  It was great to see  
all of you who attended, and I hope you will all spread the word about  
just how exciting next year's meeting is looking, in Mexico.  And  
finally, it was great to meet Gaden Robinson, and to have the honour  
of presenting him with the Jordan Medal.  Hope everyone had a safe and  
enjoyable trip home, and I hope the rest of the field season goes well  
for you all.

John Acorn
President:  The Lepidopterists' Society


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