Micro leps from Malaise traps

g.ramel at earthlife.net g.ramel at earthlife.net
Sun Jun 8 01:32:44 EDT 2008

Dear All,
         I get a large number of moths, particularly micros in the Malaise
Traps I am using in my biodiversity study of the Greek National
Park Wetland Kerkini www.lake-kerkini.earthlife.net/

I identify some of the macros, but I have no literature for the micros
(and because I am doing this voluntarily and haven't been paid for
anything for the last 18 months no money to get any).  Many of the micros
look fine, all their scales still in place and I am sure they could be
determined by somebody who knew the field.

So I am asking does anybody have experience of determinging micromoths
from malaise traps?  Would anybody be interested in seeing these
specimens, Greece is very little studied, the few micros I have trapped
and set and sent to experts have already produced one new record for

                   Gordon Ramel for Wetland Kerkini


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