[mel_e] VIII Latinoamerican Scarabaeoidology Meeting - RELAS - Selva Negra - NICARAGUA 2008

Jean Michel Maes jmmaes at ibw.com.ni
Thu May 1 10:38:46 EDT 2008

VIII Latinoamerican Scarabaeoidology Meeting – RELAS
Selva Negra – NICARAGUA 2008

Organized each 2 years, the Latinoamerican Scarabaeoidology Meeting are the best way to keep contact and exchange experience with colleagues, specialists, amateurs, scarab-lovers.


After the 7th Meeting in Bolivia, in 2006, Jack Schuster proposed Nicaragua for the 8th Latinoamerican Scarabaeoidology Meeting.  We are pleased to offer it here.


Place: Selva Negra Mountain Hotel, between Matagalpa and Jinotega, north of Nicaragua.

The hotel actually consists of bungalows in the middle of coffee plantations and cloud forests, at 1300 meters above sea level, with temperatures around 15 to 20C.



Dates: 15 / 17 th of September. Participants arrival at Nicaragua National Airport (Managua) is on Sunday 14th afternoon with bus transfer to (150 km) and welcome dinner at the Hotel Selva Negra. Departure is fixed for September 18th in the morning. In this way, the event days, 15 – 16 – 17th of September are really full days.


Conditions: Inscription should be done as soon as possible. The cost is 310 $ US, all included (accommodation double room, meals, information and a T-shirt), payable by Western Union, or bank account deposit or by cheque. Ask for information for the last two options.


Six sessions of conferences or round table discussions will be organized. Participants are asked to tell us if they want to present a conference or organize a discussion table. To be able to put all the conferences on a CD ROM, we ask all the participants to send the text of their conference as soon as possible.


For interested people, we will organize a one-week collecting trip after the Meeting, in cloud forest and dry forest of Nicaragua.


More information with Dr. Jean-Michel Maes

Entomological Museum of León – Nicaragua


jmmaes at ibw.com.ni




  Please, help us to spread this e-mail.




Dr. Jean-Michel MAES 
AP 527 
tel 505-3116586 
cel 505-48-11-351
jmmaes at ibw.com.ni
jmmaes at bio-nica.info
jmmaes at yahoo.com
jmmaes at walla.com
afleon at ibw.com.ni (oficina de la Alianza Francesa)
www.bio-nica.info (main page in spanish)
http://www.ibw.com.ni/u/jmmaes (pequeña pagina de contacto) 
http://espanol.groups.yahoo.com/group/MEL-Info/ (lista de anuncios - puede inscribirse si le parece)
www.avesnicaragua.org (aves) 
http://www.insectariumvirtual.com/termitero/nicaragua/welcome.htm (Insectos) 
http://www.coleoptera.org/p1760.htm (Lucanidae genera)

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