Butterfly Biology Conference date is 29 June to 2 July, 2010

Felix Sperling felix.sperling at ualberta.ca
Mon May 26 14:46:22 EDT 2008

Hello butterfly biologists,

The date for the next International Conference on the Biology of  
Butterflies will be 29 June to 2 July, 2010.

Please bookmark the conference website:


Thank you to all of you who took the time to complete our earlier  
survey of your preferred time for the conference. Interestingly, the  
survey did not produce a single clear preferred date. Furthermore,  
late during our survey period we discovered that the Society for  
Conservation Biology was in the process of deciding to hold its  
annual meeting in Edmonton. Over 1200 people are expected to attend  
that meeting, and many butterfly biologists are likely to be among  
them. So we thought that it would be best to give our conference  
attendees the option to attend both meetings, by scheduling the  
International Conference for Butterfly Biology during June 29 - July  
2, which is back-to-back with the Conservation Biology meetings which  
will be held during July 3 - 7. This should provide some travel  
efficiencies for a number of butterfly biologists with interests in  
conservation biology, without increasing registration or  
accommodations costs for the remaining attendees. We hope that this  
will make the International Conference for Butterfly Biology even  
more attractive!

We hope that you are all in the midst of a great butterfly season.

Felix Sperling and Jens Roland  - co-organizers
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