Butterlies of Tanzania

Speydiana at aol.com Speydiana at aol.com
Tue Nov 11 19:46:07 EST 2008

I am hoping to find an expert on African butterflies, and more specifically  
butterflies of Tanzania, who would be willing to help me and my friend,  
Marcyn Del Clements, identify four butterflies that she photographed while  on her 
recent trip to climb Mount Kilimanjaro.
I have digital photos of 4 species: 2 Papilio, 1 Nymphalid, and 1 Lycaenid  
that I will share by email outside of the group.  Meanwhile, I'll attempt  to 
up-load the images to Yahoo Groups for everyone to see.
Any help is greatly appreciated.  Thank you.
Best wishes,
Bill Gendron
Pomona, CA
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