Triphosa haesitata

Hugh McGuinness hmcguinness at
Thu Sep 25 09:06:21 EDT 2008

Last night I was doing a little research on Triphosa haeistata when I  
discovered that Wagner has never found it CT, Schweitzer hasn't  
collected it in NJ, I certainly have never collected it on LI and  
Glaser and his compatriots did not find it in about a billion trap- 
hours in MD. From the text in Forbes and in Covell there is nothing to  
indicate that it might be uncommon or missing from a large section of  
the Atlantic seaboard. So I'm wondering two things: 1. Where is it  
common (or at least present regularly)? and 2. Does anyone know  
anything about the biology of this species (especially something that  
would explain its apparent absence)?

Thanks, Hugh

Hugh McGuinness
The Ross School
18 Goodfriend Drive
East Hampton, NY 11937
hmcguinness at


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