Holy Moly!

Mike Quinn entomike at gmail.com
Fri Apr 17 13:55:06 EDT 2009

Hola Hugh,

In this instance, # two is far easier than # one... I don't believe there
are any geographic races of the BWM. They are pretty variable at any

Brush Freeman reported on Apr 4 the first potentially migrtory (emmigratory)
BWM along the Texas Gulf Coast just north of Corpus Christi:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Brush Freeman <brushf earthlink.net>
Date: Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 9:39 PM
Subject: FOS Black Witch Moth @ Aransas NWR on 4/4
To: TX-BUTTERFLY at listserv.uh.edu

 Subject says it all except the bird looked pretty fresh ....a male with
little wear..


There's also an Apr 5, 1968 record from the coast of South Carolina.

However, your record is *very* early. This species begins it's annual push
northwards with the onset of the rainy season in Mexico in late May. See
timeline of BWM records posted here:


Another reason to be skeptical is that the BWM is mostly a western species.
Unlike the monarch which pours out of Mexico and primarily takes a right
turn to fill out eastern North America, the BWM mostly keeps heading
straight north out of Mexico for western Canada...

I have found/received relatively few records from the northeast (I've found
more than I've posted at my site), although there are quite a few from
southern Ontario, at least 23:


As for your specific question about lepidoptera wear being correlated to
distance travelled, I don't believe one can deduce *too much* from the
condition of the critter. Monarchs reach central Mexico from southern Canada
in fairly fresh condition.

HTH, Mike Quinn, Austin
On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 10:53 AM, Hugh McGuinness <hmcguinness at ross.org>wrote:

> One of my students brought me a living specimen of a female Ascalapha
> odorata (The Black Witch) found in Mastic, Long Island (Suffolk Co.), NY on
> 12 April. According to Mike Quinn's website, this would be the earliest
> northern record for the species, which heretofore was 19 May 1937 in Ohio.
>  However, the specimen is quite fresh and I wonder if it might not have been
> a hitchiker in the luggage of some Long Islander vacationing in a tropical
> land. The specimen has one longitudinal tear in the HW and a small bit of
> rubbing on the veins of one FW, but is otherwise in perfect condition.
> I am seeking commentary on two aspects of whether this could possibly
> represent a true migrant or whether it is more likely that its migration has
> been assisted by humans.
> 1. Is it possible that a truly "migrant" moth could be transported a
> thousand miles by weather and still be this fresh? (I wouldn't be suspicious
> of a fresh moth in August/September, but it seems highly doubtful that a
> pupa or a larvae could survive the hardh LI winter.)
> 2. Are there geographic races of A. odorata so that I might be able to
> determine the origin of this moth?
> Hugh
> Hugh McGuinness
> The Ross School
> 18 Goodfriend Drive
> East Hampton, NY 11937
> hmcguinness at ross.org
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