[Fwd: Authoritative Identification of Anisota cf. virginiensis]

Tim Cashatt cashatt at museum.state.il.us
Mon Aug 3 15:54:37 EDT 2009

Tim Vogt would like to have this pair of Anisota sp determined by an 
Anisota specialist.  Therefore, I am forwarding his message to this 
listserve for your help:

"These are the photos and I have the specimens.  Unfortunately, I had no 
killing jar with me.  By the time I got back to the truck the male had 
lost most of its scales.  The female is in mint condition.  The 
locality, Big Sugar Creek State Park, is near both OK and AR.  It also 
is in a very interesting ecoregion of MO  (several endemics in the 
vicinity).  The photos were taken and the specimens collected 10-June-2009.

Would you please forward my request for identification to the LepServe? 
 Ask them to please copy me in the response.  I surmise that genitalic 
dissections may be necessary."

Thank you for your time and help.


Tim Vogt - Park Scientist
Division of State Parks / R.M.I.P.
Missouri Department of Natural Resources
1659 East Elm Street
Jefferson City, Missouri 65101
Phone: 573.526.1590; Fax 573.751.8656
tim.vogt at dnr.mo.gov

Everett D. (Tim) Cashatt, Ph.D.
Chair and Curator of Zoology
Illinois State Museum
Research and Collection Center
1011 E. Ash Street
Springfield, IL  62703
Tel. (217) 782-6689
FAX  (217) 785-2857

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