dot distribution maps
Jason J. Dombroskie
dombrosk at
Thu Feb 5 17:07:20 EST 2009
I like DIVA-GIS. It is a free download with many free shapefiles. It
is a little picky though with the initial input data format.
Jason J. Dombroskie
PhD Candidate
Dept. of Biological Sciences
CW405, Bio. Sci. Bldg.
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB
Quoting "chris kline" <kline_at_pine at>:
> ArcGIS is one program that I have used to make the dot maps before.
> Sadly, when I changed jobs I had to leave my copy behind. :(
> chris
> Chris Kline
> Director of Education
> Grange Insurance Audubon Center
> 692 North High Street, Suite 303
> Columbus, Ohio 43215
> 614-224-3303
> --- On Thu, 2/5/09, Richard Worth <rworth at> wrote:
> From: Richard Worth <rworth at>
> Subject: dot distribution maps
> To: "LEPS-L" <LEPS-L at>
> Date: Thursday, February 5, 2009, 10:46 AM
> Hi all,
> I was wondering what software people use to make all those really
> clean dot-distribution maps I see in publications (e.g. the MONA
> series)? It looks like you can select exactly the geographic region
> of interest anywhere in the world on the base map and then apply the
> data. Looks like you can also choose political boundaries, rivers,
> etc. How is the data applied? Does the software exist for Mac OS We
> have GIS capability here but it takes a long time to become
> proficient and many of the map layers are not needed.
> TIA for any help and best regards, Richard
> Richard Worth
> Entomologist / Lepidopterist
> Plant Division
> Oregon Dept. of Agriculture
> 635 Capitol St. NE
> Salem, OR 97301
> 503-986-6461
> 503-871-7108: cell
> rworth at
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