Euxanthe crossleyi?

Tom Middagh trgarden at
Sun Feb 8 16:36:53 EST 2009

Hi all

I have two specimens of Euxanthe crossleyi (I am pretty sure that's what 
these are.)   Both are quite different looking.  I first thought they were 
males different subspecies.  But after looking at D'abrera Butterflies of 
afrotropical region page405 was thinking a pair. But the darker bordered one 
is more green than the pictured  female and my specimen has what I think is 
a male appendage.  Would like the input from some others on this.  I am also 
wondering what sub species?

Anyway take a look at the links below and let me know what you think.  Many 
thanks to all that respond.

Have a great day
Tom Middagh

Data: 85mm at widest point on wing span

Data: 76mm  wing span at widest point No Location, January 


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