Moth in the NOVEL version of "Silence of the Lambs"?

Rodolphe Rougerie rrougeri at
Thu Feb 12 11:57:29 EST 2009

Dear Doug and All,

Please see below.

>Hi Martin and Rodolphe,
                                    Yes, it appears that it was the 
Black Witch. Have a look at pages 
59-60. I'm not on Leps-L so you may want to post it on my behalf, if 
no-one else yet as.

Dr Ian J. Kitching
Research Entomologist
Department of Entomology
The Natural History Museum
Cromwell Road,
London SW7 5BD, U.K.

Tel: (+44) (0)20 7942 5608
Fax: (+44) (0)20 7942 5229

email: I.Kitching at

Web sites:
*Creating a taxonomic e-science:*
CATE Sphingidae home page: <>
Wiki site: <>
*Sphingidae of the Eastern Palaearctic:*
URL:_ __<>_
*Sphingidae of South-East Asia version 1.4:*
*Sphingidae evolutionary biology home page:*

 Hi, folks. While everyone in the world seems to know that the movie 
version of this novel referred to the Death's-Head Sphinx Moth, I have 
now heard two different versions regarding what was in the original 
novel; one person has told me it was the Death's-Head moth, as in the 
movie, but another has said that in the original novel it was the Black 
Witch moth. Does anyone here actually have a copy of this 1988 novel - 
preferrably an edition which definitively pre-dates the 1991 movie - and 
can check which of these is *actually* the case?


Doug Yanega        Dept. of Entomology         Entomology Research Museum
Univ. of California, Riverside, CA 92521-0314        skype: dyanega
phone: (951) 827-4315 (standard disclaimer: opinions are mine, not UCR's)
  "There are some enterprises in which a careful disorderliness
        is the true method" - Herman Melville, Moby Dick, Chap. 82

Rodolphe Rougerie, PhD
Canadian Centre for DNA Barcoding
Biodiversity Institute of Ontario
579 Gordon street
Guelph, Ontario
N1G 2W1 Canada
Tel. 1-519-824-4120 ext 53800
Email: rrougeri at
The Barcode of Life Database (BoLD):
All-Leps Barcode of life:

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