Very important new moth paper!

Thomas Carr tom_robyn_carr at
Sat Jul 4 15:59:02 EDT 2009

This revision is indeed a wealth of new info, but I am confused on a couple things.  I noticed that the names G. turbans (species #8174 in Hodges checklist), G. proxima and G. p. mormonica (#8181 and #8181a in Hodges) are not mentioned in the revision, at least not that I could find.  Can anyone tell me the status of those names?  Thanks.

Tom Carr   

--- On Thu, 7/2/09, Bruce Walsh <jbwalsh at> wrote:

> From: Bruce Walsh <jbwalsh at>
> Subject: Very important new moth paper!
> To: "DesertLeps at" <DesertLeps at>, "Leps-l" <LEPS-L at>, "SoWestLep at" <SoWestLep at>
> Date: Thursday, July 2, 2009, 7:32 PM
> Major congratulations to Chris
> Schmidt, whose brilliant revision of the genus
> Grammia (Arctiinae) has just appeared in the Zoological
> Journal of the Linnean
> Society (156: 507--597).  90 pages of color plates,
> range maps, DNA -- all the
> good stuff!
> Congrats Chris!
> Now get to work on the Arctiinae MONAs!!
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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