FW: SDMNH entomology position

Gall, Lawrence lawrence.gall at yale.edu
Thu Jul 16 08:58:16 EDT 2009

Forwarding this announcement on behalf of SDNHM:

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Lawrence F. Gall, Ph.D.

Head, Computer Systems Office
Informatics Manager, Entomology
Executive Editor, Peabody Publications
Lepidoptera Section Editor, Zootaxa

Peabody Museum of Natural History
P.O. Box 208118, Yale University
New Haven, CT 06520-8118 USA

email: lawrence.gall at yale.edu
phone: 1-203-432-9892
FAX:  1-203-432-9816


Entomology Project/Collection Manager
San Diego Natural History Museum

The San Diego Natural History Museum is seeking qualified applicants for a position as Project/Collection Manager in the Department of Entomology. The San Diego Natural History Museum's (SDNHM) collection of over 1 million terrestrial arthropods contains significant historical material for a binational region that is immensely biologically diverse and experiencing unprecedented population growth and development. With dramatically renewed institutional support for the Entomology Department and recent NSF Biological Research Collections funding, SDNHM is poised to significantly improve access to its historical and contemporary collections from southern California and Baja California.

Responsibilities: The Collection Manager will be responsible for the daily management of a two-year project designed to 1) create an online storage location inventory that combines data on taxonomy, quantity of material, and collection health to form a baseline for future goals and improvements; 2) reorganize the collection, redistributing space to reflect current and anticipated collection growth and to incorporate several high-quality, recently donated regional collections with urgent needs; 3) re-house fluid-preserved collection for better long-term storage and access, and 4) develop an online type specimen image database for the 211 primary types held in the department. Duties will also include general collection management activities such as loan preparation, public inquiries and tours, purchasing, supervision of students and volunteers, and managing the use of the collection.

Skills: Experience in specimen-based entomology, field-based specimen collection, dry and wet specimen preparation, specimen-based research, and project management. Preferred applicants will have demonstrated experience working with volunteers and undergraduates.

Prior training: Bachelor degree and one year in related field, or an equivalent combination of training, education and experience. Preference will be given to applicants with a MS degree or higher, collections management experience, specialist knowledge in Lepidoptera and experience with web development.

To apply, please submit a letter of interest with 1) a curriculum vitae, 2) collections management statement describing your experience and interests, and 2) the names and contact information of three references. Consideration of application will begin on August 3rd, 2009.

Send application packages via email to mwall at sdnhm.org<mailto:mwall at sdnhm.org>. Please no phone calls.

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