P rutulus
The Arthurs
thearthurs at mindspring.com
Thu Jun 25 11:23:52 EDT 2009
Hi. Sorry to get back to you so late. It's been a busy month. I was able to get to the local city park (where there are very large numbers of P. rutulus) a few times lately and look very closely at the male rutulus. There are, actually, three forms. One is the light form, pure lemon yellow on the upperside with very little orange on the underside hindwing; another is the orange form, which has a very light orangish/gold tint on the upperside and a lot of orange below; and another is the gold form, which has a very strong orangish/gold tint on the upperside and only a little orange below.
Here are some photos. In both photos: left: light form. middle: orange form. right: gold form.
The orange-suffused form (middle) is rather worn and the pictures did not get the orange well, but it had some orange suffusion in the postmedian area on the hindwing below, and orange in the uppermost submarginal spot both above and below. The gold form has an aberration on its hindwing.
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