Help Requested for Research Project on Lophocampa maculata

kgs at kgs at
Mon Mar 9 15:36:41 EDT 2009


I am new to this list and to the study of moths but was advised by 
David Wagner that this would be a good way to reach people who might be 
able to help me with my research project.

I have become interested in the moth Lophocampa maculata and have begun 
a modest program to try to understand this species. It is apparently 
found across North America on both sides of the US/Canadian border and 
south within the US in mountainous areas (Appalachians, Rockies, 
Cascades/Sierra, and Coast Ranges). I first found this species in the 
Coast Range of Oregon. There are two parts to the project and I would 
welcome help with either or both:

1) biology of the organism: any information on:
	 specific locations where it has been found
	 larval host plants
	 flight period
	 descriptions of the instars (photos would be most useful)
	 photos of the adults

2) population genetics: I am currently developing the RAPD-PCR method 
for studying the genetics of this species. I have a method to archive 
DNA and have carried out some preliminary analysis on material from a 
couple of locations. I am also planning on using other PCR-based 
methods for studying populations of this species. I would like to 
obtain material (eggs, caterpillars in any instar, or adults) from as 
many locations as possible across the continent this coming season. I 
am hoping to enlist the help of a network of collectors who are willing 
to send me material. I would, of course, be happy to reimburse 
individuals for shipping costs.

Possibilities for providing useful material include trapping of females 
and egg collection using the "brown paper bag" method; collection of 
caterpillars later in the season. I would appreciate hearing from 
anyone who might be able to help with either part of the project 
("natural history" information from their locality and/or material for 
genetic analysis), or from anyone who knows of a collector that might 
be willing to help. I would be happy to provide interested participants 
with further information.

Thank you in advance for any advice/help you might be able to provide. 
I look forward from hearing from you.

Ken Strothkamp
Visiting Associate Professor of Chemistry
Lewis & Clark College


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