Moth Collecting May Soon Be Frowned Upon

jim taylor drivingiron at
Sat Sep 12 04:19:59 EDT 2009


A handy tip: spray the nose of your car with WD-40 before a trip, and the butterflies are easy to clean off.

Jim Taylor

PS: Enough, already.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Royce J Bitzer 
  To: cking at YorkU.CA ; monarch at 
  Cc: LEPS-L at ; owner-leps-l at ; TILS-leps-talk at 
  Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 4:42 PM
  Subject: Re: Moth Collecting May Soon Be Frowned Upon


  I've had the privilege of reading your missives for years now, and your theme is so often the same.  You frequently criticize biologists and ecologists for purportedly driving outsized cars, living in oversized houses, and trampling the world with their huge carbon footprints, and therefore being pretentious and hypocritical.

  But one thing I've _never_ heard from you in all this time is whether you yourself actually practice what you preach.  What kind of car(s) do _you_ drive?  How big is _your_ house?  What do you have in your stock portfolio?  What is the environmental impact of your own lifestyle?

  It's time to put your own cards on the table and show us what you're all about.  I'm sure I'm not the only one who's been curious about this.


  Royce Bitzer

  At 02:01 PM 9/11/2009, Carolyn King wrote:

    There you go again, making personal attacks based on no information whatsoever. 

    I would expect that anyone with any conscience or understanding of ecosystems would choose to kill any organisms without a good reason.  We may differ on our assessment of the value of a particular study, but I hope that no one on this list disagree that "live traps are preferable". 

    For your information, Paul, none of our officers drives a big SUV ( or, I believe, a van) and car-pooling is encouraged. 

    Have a nice day, 

    p.s.  For those of you not familiar with Paul, this sort of nastiness and lack of accuracy is not unusual. 

    Paul Cherubini <monarch at> 
    Sent by: owner-leps-l at 

    09/11/09 02:34 PM 

    Please respond to
    monarch at


    LEPS-L at 


    TILS-leps-talk at 


    Re: Moth Collecting May Soon Be Frowned Upon 

    The Toronto Entomologist's Association's "Collecting
    Code" says:

    Ethics of collecting:

    9. Light traps: live traps are preferable and should be
    visited regularly and the catch should not be killed 
    wholesale for subsequent examination.

    So the Association is essentially saying it is unethical
    to catch a bunch of moths at a light trap and kill
    them for subsequent examination.

    But the Association has no problem with members
    or officers who drive big SUV's or Vans to butterfly 
    or moth watching sites and kill twice as many leps
    and other insects as those who drive compact cars.  

    Paul Cherubini
    El Dorado, Calif. 
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