repost:Please sign the petition to save the Kackar Mountains

Neil Jones neil at
Wed Apr 7 13:11:45 EDT 2010

Please forward this message to any other people/ lists where you think 
there may be appropriately interested people.
This is my second attempt at posting it here as the first one was not 
readable by everyone,

6 April 2010

Please sign the petition to save the Kackar Mountains

The Kaçkar Mountains at Yusufeli, northeast Turkey, are an area of 
outstanding importance for biodiversity.

Kackar Mountains
In just 1,800km2 there are no less than three distinct climatic zones 
and a wide range of altitudes. This unique landscape supports a huge 
range of wildlife and vegetation including Brown Bears, Caucasian Black 
Grouse and 28 endemic species of plants.

Two hundred and one species of butterfly can be found here - more than 
most European countries and more than 50 percent of the 380 species 
recorded in all Turkey.

Butterfly Conservation was devastated to learn that there are 
well-developed plans for a series of hydroelectric dams and surface 
water rerouting throughout the area.

If constructed, the whole region's diversity will be significantly 
impacted, as will the cultural and ecosystem integrity of this globally 
important region.

Butterfly loss will be immediate.

Please join our call for the Turkish Government to recognise their 
obligation to protect the Kaçkar Mountains and it's wildlife.

Sign the petition today

Neil Jones
neil at


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