MV shy species (Was: Nemoria splendidaria back in the US)
jim taylor
drivingiron at
Thu Aug 5 16:00:02 EDT 2010
I run my black light about a foot from the sheet. I also have a monster sodium vapor, which I hang a couple of feet in front of the sheet when I use it. Should be interesting to see how others are doing.
Jim Taylor
From: Peter Van Zandt
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2010 2:45 PM
To: leps-l at
Subject: MV shy species (Was: Nemoria splendidaria back in the US)
These are great suggestions, especially for a newbie like me. I'm curious if one would get the same benefit from either:
1) running a black light on another sheet some distance (10 feet?) away, or
2) using a black light on the opposite side of the sheet from the MV light.
Thanks for any feedback,
Pete Van Zandt
Birmingham-Southern College
Birmingham, AL
> Date: Sun, 18 Jul 2010 22:36:01 -0700
> From: jbwalsh at
> To: entomike at
> CC: LEPS-L at; TILS-moth-rah at; SoWestLep at; john.palting at; rnagle at
> Subject: Re: Nemoria splendidaria back in the US
> Quoting Mike Quinn <entomike at>:
> > Bruce,
> >
> > You might wanna try an ol' beetle collectors trick (taught to me by Ed
> > Riley).
> >
> > After a while, turn off your mercury vapor light and run a 2 foot black
> > light bulb. The merc often overpowers the bugs, so to speak, keeping them at
> > a distance. The small blacklight allows the bugs to reach your sheet...
> >
> Mike:
> Excellent suggestion, as this is exactly what I do. Basically, the amount of
> stuff on the sheet doubles right after!
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