[UK-Leps] Grassland butterflies plummet across Europe
Chris Van Swaay
chrisvanswaay at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 11 03:53:52 EST 2010
Hello Chrispin,
THE report can be downladed from the BCE site: http://www.bc-europe.eu/category.asp?catid=9 or directly:
Also THE butterfly climate change report can be downloaded from http://www.bc-europe.eu/category.asp?catid=9.
Best wishes,
Chris van Swaay
Op 10 dec. 2010 om 21:09 heeft "Crispin Gmail" <crispinholloway at gmail.com> het volgende geschreven:
> Hi Neil,
> That is a really interesting piece of information, is it from a published report, if so do you have the full reference? I would be interested to see it in more detail.
> Crispin
> From: Neil Jones
> Sent: Friday, December 10, 2010 7:21 PM
> To: uk-leps at yahoogroups.com ; leps-l at lists.yale.edu ; Entomology Discussion List
> Subject: [UK-Leps] Grassland butterflies plummet across Europe
> Butterflies normally found on grassland are in steep decline across
> Europe, pointing to a huge loss of European biodiversity.
> This is the conclusion of a new study by Butterfly Conservation Europe
> based on data from 3,000 sites in 15 countries.
> The Grassland Butterfly Indicator shows that the populations of 17
> butterfly species have declined by over 70% in the last 20 years.
> Butterflies are sensitive environmental indicators; alerting us to
> underlying problems with the environment. Grasslands are a vital habitat
> for European wildlife and support a huge range of plants and insects. If
> butterfly numbers are falling, inevitably other wildlife is also in
> decline.
> The losses are thought to have been caused by rapidly changing
> agricultural practices in Europe's diverse semi-natural grasslands. Such
> grasslands have been created by traditional livestock grazing and
> hay-making over centuries of human occupation since the last ice-age.
> This management creates a wonderfully flower-rich breeding habitat for
> butterflies and many other insects. However, in recent decades these
> traditional grasslands have deteriorated, meaning loss due to
> agricultural intensification in some regions and abandonment in others.
> The underlying forces behind the losses are rapid economic and social
> changes, which have led to the intensification of better land and the
> abandonment of land with poorer soils and in remote locations.
> Abandonment is thought to be the most serious cause of losses in
> mountain regions and eastern Europe, while lowland areas have suffered
> most from intensification.
> Dr Martin Warren, Chief Executive at Butterfly Conservation (UK), said:
> "The results show the dramatic and continuing loss of biodiversity in
> European grasslands. We urgently need a change in EU agricultural policy
> that favours High Nature Value farming rather than over-intensification
> as at present. The results would be better for the environment and
> better from rural communities who are struggling to survive under the
> current system of support which favours larger more intensive producers."
> Butterflies are one of the best monitored groups of wildlife in Europe
> and Butterfly Conservation Europe is pressing for them to be adopted as
> agricultural indicators in the next round of Common Agricultural Policy
> reform in 2013.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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