Butterflies: A very British Obsession ?

Roger Kuhlman rkuhlman at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 17 10:27:53 EST 2010

Thanks David for sharing this with us. I am definitely going to check it out when I get the time.
Roger Kuhlman
Ann Arbor, Michigan

> The BBC in its Natural World series presents 'Butterflies: A very
> British Obsession' on BBC 2 tomorrow night.
> Its terrific that butterflies get their own prime time major network
> show..but unfortunate that we US residents wont be able to watch it...
> However , if you go the show's website
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00wwbm4 you can view 11 short clips
> from the show.
> There's some great footage including frogs preying on painted ladies,
> an orange tip eclosing and a Brimstone caterpillar pupating.
> I'm not so sure that butterflies are a 'very British obsession'... I
> think they are a humankind obsession that hopefully is growing
> throughout the world.
> We in the US are just a little way behind the UK particularly in the
> public obsession part, but I think we are catching up. We need to.
> The more awareness the media can instill into the public about
> butterflies and moths, the better we will be for making sure we protect
> and conserve the fauna we have.
> Browse the formidable 'Butterfly Conservation' website
> http://www.butterfly-conservation.org and you begin to understand just
> how advanced the understanding of British butterflies and their
> conservation is. More importantly, you sense a passion for butterflies
> and moths within the British public that is sadly lacking in the US.
> When ABC, CBS or NBC show a prime time documentary on American
> butterflies, we will know we are catching up........
> Dr David G James
> Associate Professor of Entomology
> Department of Entomology,
> Washington State University,
> Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center,
> Bunn Road, Prosser, WA 99350, USA 		 	   		  


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