Nemoria splendidaria back in the US
Bruce Walsh
jbwalsh at
Thu Jul 15 14:33:26 EDT 2010
The striking green geo Nemoria splendidaria (MONA 7038), figured at
is a bug of legend for us moth-ers here in SE Arizona. In Ferguson's (1985)
MONA on the green geos, he lists two US records, both from the Huachuca Mts in
SE Arizona): The holotype from Palmerlee (described in 1910) and a record from
Sunnyside Canyon in 1958.
As all great lep tales go, this one happened by accident. Tucson collectors
John Palting and Ray Nagle were planning on heading up to Mt Graham last
Saturday for some lighting, a three hour drive. Running late, they decided to
collect up on Carr Canyon in the Huachucas. At around 3:30 am, a very fresh
pslendidaria came to the light, but settled away from the sheet, on the ground.
John ended up taking three more around (but never on) his sheet, and one in his
trap. An outstanding record!
Last night, I ventured back to the same location (round 7400 feet). Around
1:30, a splendiadaria settled on the ground about 3 feet away from my lights,
also very fresh. It was eventually joined by three others (the last being
detected around 4:30 am), again, all away from the lights. My two light traps
yielded three more, for a total of seven. Again, as with John's all were very
I suspect that this is not a case of splendidaria becoming reestablished, but
rather a local bug that does not come directly to light that flies (high
elevation, start of the monsoon) at locations not generally collected.
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