FW: large-scale digitization of specimens

Gall, Lawrence lawrence.gall at yale.edu
Mon Mar 8 23:38:51 EST 2010

With apologies to those who are already aware of the following initiative via the ECN or other listserver, or elsewhere.  Insect collections are among the priority targets.
- - -
Lawrence F. Gall, Ph.D.

Head, Computer Systems Office
Informatics Manager, Entomology
Executive Editor, Peabody Publications
Lepidoptera Section Editor, Zootaxa

Peabody Museum of Natural History
P.O. Box 208118, Yale University
New Haven, CT 06520-8118 USA

email: lawrence.gall at yale.edu
phone: 1-203-432-9892
FAX:  1-203-432-9816

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Entomological Collections Network Listserve [mailto:ECN-
> L at listserv.unl.edu] On Behalf Of Andy Deans
> Sent: Wednesday, 03 March, 2010 11:34
> To: ECN-L at listserv.unl.edu
> Subject: large-scale digitization of specimens
> Dear ECN Colleagues:
> A strategic plan for a 10-year national effort to digitize and mobilize
> images and data associated with biological research collections,
> including
> insects and their relatives, is being developed, with initial details
> provided here:
> http://digbiocol.wordpress.com/
> The plan requires broad support and input from the collections
> community and
> a diversity of stakeholders. The responses to the plan, collected
> through
> email (addressed to: wg-digitization at nescent.org) and blog commentary
> (thorough the link above) will be used in future meetings to complete a
> more
> formal strategic plan. Feedback regarding the following aspects is
> especially important:
> 1) your support for the proposed model, suggestions for revision
> 2) ideas regarding the three-tiered approach suggested here
> 3) priorities for collection digitization
> 4) ways to maximize collaboration across institutions and federal
> agencies,
> and at the international level.
> This feedback will be aggregated and provided to participants for
> future
> planning sessions that will develop a final version of the strategic
> plan.
> Thanks in advance for taking the time to contribute to this very
> important
> initiative.
> best wishes,
> Andy


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