Comma ID help, Virginia

Grkovich, Alex agrkovich at
Mon Nov 1 08:24:17 EDT 2010

I agree with Alan...The specimen in question is a female winter form Eastern Comma...(P. comma)...


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-leps-l at [mailto:owner-leps-l at] On Behalf Of Alan Wormington
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 12:11 AM
To: LEPS-L at
Subject: Re: Comma ID help, Virginia


Your possible Green Comma looks like an ordinary Eastern Comma to me.


Alan Wormington
Leamington, Ontario

On Mon, 5 Dec 1994 13:02:47 -0700 (MST) David Hamilton Cox <dhcox at> writes:
>  Until a few weeks ago, I assumed that all the Polygonia species that
> I encountered here in Madison County, Virginia, were either the
> Eastern Comma, P. comma, or the Question Mark, P. interrogationis.
> Then on October
> 13 I
> saw and photographed what I assume is a Gray Comma, P. progne. This
> individual caught my eye because it seemed smaller and somehow
> different, and the photos do seem to show a more ragged wing margin,
> "outer half of FW (but not HW) is frosted" ("Butterflies of the East
> Coast,"
> Cech and
> Tudor), and the "comma" is thin, one "leg" shorter than the other.
>  So I've been paying more attention to Comma's and on October 17 I
> photographed two other individuals in the same area as the October
> 13 Gray
> Comma (Whiteoak Canyon, Shenandoah National Park). I assume that these
> are both P. Comma but would like confirmation, if these photos show
> enough detail to do so.
>  Then, this past Thursday, hiking up the nearby Cedar Run trail, I saw
> another interesting Polygonia, a sluggish individual that let me get
> quite close with my camera, and even pick it up. Above, this one has
> the "innermost black spot on the trailing FW dot row is doubled across
> the vein" (same reference) which made me think it might be a Green
> Comma, P. faunus, but further study has led me to think it is an
> Eastern Comma that happens to have this variant (the doubled innermost
> black spot). This would be a bit out of range for the Green Comma and
> the other identifying marks seem missing.
>  All these photos: above and below of the Gray Comma, the two Eastern
> Comma's, and the possible Green Comma above and below, can be seen
> here:
>  I would appreciate any opinions on the identification of these
> butterflies.
> -David Cox
>  ------------------------------------------------------------
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-- Alan Wormington

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